Visualizza Versione Completa : Stereo Imager

29-07-2008, 06:58
cos'e',a che serve e dove si mette?[:179]


iMac 20 intel core duo
logic Express 7.4
motu 828 mk3 + sumo
Roland sh 201

29-07-2008, 07:42
Dovrai leggere un po'... ma qualcosa ci tirerai fuori...
(c'è una funzione molto utile nel Forum... "Cerca"... ce ne scordiamo sempre!)



..."Cerca" di nuovo :D potrai trovare qualcosa di più (se questi non bastano)...

gribit [^]
__________________________________________________ ________________________________________
G5 Dual 2GHz PPC, 5GB RAM, MacOS X.4.11 LogicPro 7.2.3, LogicPro 8.0.2, MotU828mkII FW, Emagic amt8

29-07-2008, 08:03

iMac 20 intel core duo
logic Express 7.4
motu 828 mk3 + sumo
Roland sh 201

29-07-2008, 16:42
Comunque sia...credo che si usi spesso per limitare le controfasi,no?

Apple G5, Logic 7.2.3.

29-07-2008, 19:19
apre l'immagine stereo,
quello di logic lavora sulla fase, andando a creare diversità nel Left e Right.

il mio preferito, usato solo il demo poi è scaduto, DUY WIDE, ma costa troppo--

bellissimo anche l'hardware Behrigher edison, lo usano anche in qualche studio di mastering.;) abbastanza introvabile se chi ce l'ha sa cosa ha.[B)]:):)

"We contacted Ulrich Behringer to ask him if he might describe how the Edison works. He gave the following explanation:

"The technical principle behind the Edison is not the normal means of stereo width enhancement, i.e. using mixers and phase cancellation. The Edison is based on a principle first used in a product called the B.A.S.E. from Bedinin, which costs about $4000.

"First of all, we create a mono signal (L+R) and the stereo part of the original signal (L-R). We then start to process these signals. In order to achieve greater ambience reception, we use a program-dependent delay on the stereo part and a low-mid frequency filter as well, which allows boosting or cutting of those frequencies which are normally hard to perceive as being in stereo (i.e. low-mid frequencies).

"For the mono part, we allow the user to shift the mono content from left to right in order to correct, say, a mixdown error, where, for example, the singer might not be in the middle of the stereo image. The singer may also be shifted closer or further away with the Center Distance control.

"Our customers (e.g. Hit Factory in New York), found this unit very useful in controlling their final mixes. Together with the phase meter, they find it a superior and extremely cost-effective unit. We feel it is particularly good value as a phase meter normally costs three times the price of the whole Edison, which may go some way towards explaining why the Edison is one of the best-selling products in our range.";)

Power mac g5 dual 2ghz
mac OsX 10.4.4-1,5 ram
logic pro7.1/stylus Rmx
motu 828MKII-->Fw 1.2.5

29-07-2008, 19:37
L'S1 IMAGE della Waves fa la stessa cosa? Meglio forse? :)

Apple G5, Logic 7.2.3.

29-07-2008, 20:02
no non hai diversi parametri come distance e frequency

Power mac g5 dual 2ghz
mac OsX 10.4.4-1,5 ram
logic pro7.1/stylus Rmx
motu 828MKII-->Fw 1.2.5

29-07-2008, 23:25
Io uso questo http://www.crysonic.com/sindo.html

MacPro 2.66 ghz,5gb ram-MBPro 2.33 ghz-osx 10.5.4-Logic pro 8.0.2-RME Fireface 800-3 uad pci-e

30-07-2008, 00:12
vanno cmq piazzati sul master sti affari?

iMac 20 intel core duo
logic Express 7.4
motu 828 mk3 + sumo
Roland sh 201

30-07-2008, 00:39
io uso lo stereo en. nel compressore del t-racks ( gia detto mille mila volte tra l altro )
Bellissimo come amplia senza distruggere fasi ecc

Imac 20" intel 2'33 ghz 1gb RAM DDR II /tiger 10.4.11/Logic Pro 7.2.3/Digidesign Mbox2
/Access Virus C | Clavia Nordlead 2| Roland Jp 8000 | MacBook Pro 2.4ghz 2gb RAM with Leopard 10.5.2

30-07-2008, 23:11
ma....e usare il simple delay di logic sul master per dare stereofonia e' una stupidata???[8)]

iMac 20 intel core duo
logic Express 7.4
motu 828 mk3 + sumo
Roland sh 201

30-07-2008, 23:38
peggio direi XD

Imac 20" intel 2'33 ghz 1gb RAM DDR II /tiger 10.4.11/Logic Pro 7.2.3/Digidesign Mbox2
/Access Virus C | Clavia Nordlead 2| Roland Jp 8000 | MacBook Pro 2.4ghz 2gb RAM with Leopard 10.5.2