Visualizza Versione Completa : Sperando........................

omar bonifacino
14-10-2012, 12:22
elektriksol Nashville, TN
Feb 22, 2012 1:32 PM

This discussion is to inform current Logic users on the upcoming new features in Logic Pro X. First off the software will not be officially released to the public until the new OSX Mountain Lion hits the market. Second the software will be none of what you expect it to be and everything you didn't expect and never knew you wanted in a D.A.W. Let's start with the basics. The GUI will see a drastic overhaul making Logic's workflow more modern and efficient. I can't go in to specific details about the design features but you will love the new upgrades. The first thing you will notice in the edit view is the new media browser, which has touch gesture, capabilities built in so now you can scroll through various screens of content by swiping left to right and up and down to select content. The mixer is designed to WOW! it has a shock factor that will blow your mind. First off it makes use of sonic modeling, yes that's right just as reason modeled their mixer after the SSL, Logic has modeled their mixer after the__________? I won't spoil it for you but OMG! does that thing sound and look amazing. It has a built in EQ & Dynamics section in every audio channel, Midi & Instruments tracks can be routed to audio channels to utilize the EQ & Dynamics. The master section is AWESOME as well. New Instruments & Effects finally and if the other features did not catch your attention these will. Piano's sound unbelievably realistic, the design team spared no expense in making IMO, the best sounding virtual pianos thus far they take advantage of a new technology called Hyper-Realism it captures every subtle nuance of the Acoustic Piano faithfully. They also have physical models of Pianos that are breathtaking as well they don't require as much CPU as the large boutique sample piano's but nonetheless are right on par with them. The electric pianos sound incredible as well Hyper-Realism, and Physical model technology. Composers will love the orchestral libraries which are moderately extensive instrument, articulation and expression wise but the sound is right up there with VSL and I should mention that the notation component to logic is far more professional and has seen a upgrade as well. Logic now has only two main synths that are capable of producing just about any kind of sound you can possibly imagine, again I can't get into specific details but they are packed full of quality presets and crazy tweak parameters. DRUMS & DRUMS of DRUMS the percussion section will make you **** all over yourself first off there are two components to the percussion section a GUI that represents a physical drum kit with independent tracks for each drum by default and second is a groove machine that is beyond sick. The Physical drum kits have various different layers of drum sounds and articulations which provide a very realistic feel to sequenced drums so much so unless you knew other wise you would have never suspected they came from Virtual Instrument. The groove box at first glance has 16 pads which you can drag and drop samples directly from the browser and edit them from the groove box interface each pad has standalone pitch and time stretch properties and much more. The alternate view is of a step sequencer that you can sequence using the step method by point and click. The EFX have seen a major upgrade as well some EFX plugins you will notice right away and some will be your new favorites. I think this new D.A.W. wins on features alone. Logic Pro X is the new revolution in D.A.W. technology. Of course there are lots and lots of new and interesting features I didn't get to mention but this definitely gives you an idea of some of the coolest stuff going in to the new Logic Pro X. What are your opinons on some of the changes listed?

14-10-2012, 12:36
Avevo già letto in un forum americano, e pare sia una grandissima bufala...!!!

omar bonifacino
14-10-2012, 17:55
Sapeva di una ca...ta .Seriamente ,secondo te ;che vuole fare la APPLE con logic?Ora mi comincio davvero a preocuparmi del suo futuro sviluppo.Per ora mi va piu' che bene anzi e fantastico,ma.....,tra 1-2 anni?Speriamo, che rilasciano qualche anticipazione.Cavolo ora sul serio, non voglio passare a un altra daw. Anche se le ho'come da firma ma le utilizzo davvero poco e rimettermi sotto a studiare per benino le altre bo?

14-10-2012, 20:35
E' praticamente impossibile prevedere quando verrà fuori logic x....


14-10-2012, 21:50
Questa cosa era già stata postata e commentata......

In ogni caso, Omar, è il tuo secondo thread, in qualche maniera sull'argomento, oltre a svariati interventi simili in thread in cui si parlava di queste cose....e sinceramente non so cosa commentare...oltre al fatto che continuo a non capire....non ti nascondo che a tutti noi, in qualche maniera, piacerebbe svegliarsi domattina e trovarsi un logic nuovo, magari con tutte le funzioni che desideriamo e stabile come questo, però credo che si faccia anche di necessità virtù......insomma...vedo dalla firma che hai anche altre daw...allora approfondisci quelle, se logic non riponde più ai tuoi requisiti...oppure usale in maniera complementare....fortunatamente nessuno ci obbliga ad aspettare Apple......sostieni che per te va più che bene.....ecco, a posto, continuaad usarlo intanto che impari bene un altro software.....insomma, dai.....non possiamo ogni mezza giornata lamentarci di ciò che Apple fa o non fa......e se hai dei problemi di workflow che secondo te sono da imputare a Logic, chiedi nel forum, magari fai tu una procedura più lunga.....non lo so.....
Anche perchè io uso le daw che vedi in firma e, oggettivamente, non vedo Logic così indietro.....eppure, non posso non sentirmi attratto da ogni cosa nuova che esce.....però l'attrazione è una cosa, il lavoro un'altra!

Ciao, Cris!

omar bonifacino
15-10-2012, 12:55
No ,hai veramente ragione,sono un ronpi balle,sono un pochino fissato,diciamo.Ma condivido il tuo pensiero CRIS,era solo un modo di aver qualche risposta,dai non scrivo piu.

15-10-2012, 13:31
E' giusto che tu scriva e ti esprima......per carità...solo che una volta chehai espresso un cincetto, un dubbio , una perplessità in un post...non aprire 10 thread simili!
Poi, credimi, anche io comincio a pensare seriamente che stia diventando un po' imbarazzante la questione Logic....

Ciao, Cris!