...ho trovato "questo" su un altro Forum... è un documento della MotU, quindi non credo di far nulla di male a "riscriverlo" qui... il problema, per chi non lo "bazzica", è che il doc è in inglese... non ho tempo di tradurlo adesso... BECCATEVELO così come è!
...riguarda la corretta procedura per l'istallazione dei Driver in OS X (nel documento si parla di PCI 424, ma con le opportune "modifiche di nomi" io l'ho usato per il driver PCI 324 e va uguale... funzionerà anche per il driver 828... credo!)

>> Follow these instructions to uninstall and reinstall the drivers.
Turn off any interfaces connected to the card.
Launch the installer and select Uninstall from the installation menu.
Once the operation is complete, quit the installer.
Go into the Hard Drive/System/Library/Extensions, look for a file named MOTUPCIAudio.kext. If it is still there, you will need to forcibly remove the driver. Keep this finder window open, displaying the MOTUPCIAudio.kext file and open a new finder window. Go into the Applications/Utilities and launch Terminal. Follow these instructions on how to remove the driver via Terminal(items in brackets are keystrokes):
Type in:
Then drag the MOTUPCIAudio.kext file from the Finder window into the Terminal window. It should then display the file path in the Terminal window after the command you typed in (should look like sudo rm -R /System/Library/Extensions/MOTUPCIAudio.kext)
Once you see this, press return.
you will then be prompted for your password, this operation cannot be completed without it. It is a clear text password, so you won;t see the cursor move.
Once you have entered your password, hit return, then quit terminal.
Close the Finder window and then go back into the HD/System/Library/Extensions folder and verify that the MOTUPCIAudio.kext file is no longer there.
Then go into the Hard Drive/Users/~/Library/Preferences and look for com.motu.pci.config.console.plist, com.motu.pci.CueMix.console.plist, com.motu.pci.SMPTE.console.plist and com.motu.PCIAudio, move these files to the trash and empty the trash. If they are not there, don;t worry about it.
Then go into the Hard drive/Applications and make sure that the MOTU PCI Audio Console, MOTU SMPTE Console and CueMix console are no longer there. If they are, move them to the trash and empty the trash.
Restart the computer.
Upon restart, go into the Hard drive/Applications/Utilities and launch Disk Utility. Select the OS X boot volume from the list on the left, then click on the First Aid tab, then click on Repair Disk Permissions. this will take a fe moments. Once it is done, quit the Disk Utility.
Launch the MOTU PCI Audio 1.03 installer.
Perform the Custom install for the 424 Drivers and Consoles.
Once it is complete, restart the computer.
Once the OS is fully booted, with all items and drives mounted on the desktop, you can turn on the interfaces.
Launch the MOTU PCI Audio Console and verify that the interfaces are being seen.
If they are still not being seen, try reseating the card first in the same slot, then in another if necessary. Remove other PCI cards if necessary.
Try all 4 ports on the PCI-424 card. <<

Lorenzdj...spero tu conosca l'inglese... fammi sapere...


Mac G4 QS 867MHz
OS X 10.2.8
Logic Platinum 6.3.1
MotU 2408mkII
Emagic amt8