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Discussione: Gamma Mac Pro

  1. #91
    Data Registrazione
    Sep 2008
    , , Lombardia.


    Citazione Originariamente Inviato da stef-o Visualizza Messaggio
    a parte questo sono convinto che almeno un'altra versione con thunderblot di mac pro esce
    Su questo Apple č stata tassativa.
    L'attuale sistema (o motherboard) non permette di montare la thunderbolt.

    Nulla toglie per Apple, di realizzare una nuova mobo+tb,
    da inserire nel case attuale, ma forse il costo č proprio nel case in alluminio,
    oltre che per la spedizione (e stoccaggio).
    MacPro Quad-Core 2,8 Ghz Intel 8Gb/500/SD/ATI Radeon 2600 XT os10.6.8 | Logic Pro 9.1.3 | Focusrite Liquid Saffire56

  2. #92
    Data Registrazione
    Apr 2007
    Ravenna, Emilia Romagna.


    Ma a me sta pure bene una versione senza Thunderbolt!

    Ciao, Cris!
    MacPro Quad | 2,66GHz | 16 GB Ram |Mac OSX 10.14.6| MBP "13 i7 | 2,8 Ghz | 8 GB Ram |MacOSX 10.13.6
    Duet 2
    Logic Studio ( Pro 10.5.1) | Mainstage 3.4.4 | Cu*ase 10.0.6

  3. #93
    Data Registrazione
    Sep 2008
    Milano, Caserta, Roma.


    Riuppo con questa simpatica lettera trovata su fb

    Hello Apple. Remember me? I'm one of your loyal users. I'm one of the guys who has owned 2 MacPros, a G5, a G4, 4 laptops, one iMac, 4 iPods, one MacMini, 4 iPhones and a bevy of other peripherals and software packages over the last 10 years.

    I'm looking for a little clarity.

    Can you please let me and the other people on in this group know what is going on with the MacPro? Its been neglected for far too long. We realize all the success of the iPad and iPhone and we're really happy with our new toys. But unfortunately many of us need to make decisions on hardware for professional uses that allow us to make a living.

    We have no desire to go the Dark Side and buy a Windows machine. And while the Hackintosh community has made great strides its not a viable option for a professional environment. Unfortunately you haven't left us much choice!! The professional software applications like CS6, AVID, Protools, Smoke and others require the most powerful hardware available. The ability to configure systems with specific hardware is essential for our businesses. The iMac is not the answer for these situations. (Not to mention that I already have 54 total inches of professional monitors sitting on my desk!!!)

    We've held out as long as we can. Many of us will never get the hint that you've discontinued the MacPro lineup. So I am asking directly.
    Can you please let us know what your plans are?
    Is the MacPro officially dead?
    Are you going to license OSX to another hardware manufacturer to build powerful desktops?
    You have the best OS on the market. Please let us put it to good use!!!

    We have waited patiently. We are only asking for a little insight. A timeframe would really go a long way in this relationship. Please, either set us free and tell us that the hardware is dead or give us a little peak behind the curtain. Its not too much to ask. We cannot wait any longer and its really not fair to string us along like this.

    Lou Borella and the Creative Community

    (fonte )
    Hachintosh i9 7940 - ram 64GB - OS 10.13.6 - LPX 10.4.6 - MOTU Traveler mkIII[/size]

  4. #94
    Data Registrazione
    Feb 2003
    Cittą Eterna

    Thumbs up

    I like!

    iMac 21.5 Quad-Core Intel Core i5 - 2,7 GHz - 16GB RAM
    MacOS 10.15.7 - LogicPro 10.6.3
    MotU828mkII FW - Emagic amt8

  5. #95
    Data Registrazione
    Feb 2006
    Napoli, Campania.


    Parole sante.
    Un giorno di questi, per sfizio perchč in realtą non ne ho bisogno, voglio provare a mettere in bridge al mio ormai vetusto macbookpro l'ultimo pc che ho assemblato per lavoro (i7 overclokkato a 5 ghz, 32 giga di ram) per vedere l'effetto che fa.....
    Logic Pro 8.02, MacBook Pro 2.5 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB Ram, Mac OS X 10.5.6, Motu Ultralite Firewire 1410, orecchie funzionanti e studio sonorizzato come Cristo comanda...

  6. #96
    Data Registrazione
    Sep 2008
    Milano, Caserta, Roma.


    Citazione Originariamente Inviato da red Visualizza Messaggio
    ... Per vedere l'effetto che fa.....
    vengo anch'iiģo!!!
    Hachintosh i9 7940 - ram 64GB - OS 10.13.6 - LPX 10.4.6 - MOTU Traveler mkIII[/size]

  7. #97
    Data Registrazione
    Feb 2006
    Napoli, Campania.


    Logic Pro 8.02, MacBook Pro 2.5 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB Ram, Mac OS X 10.5.6, Motu Ultralite Firewire 1410, orecchie funzionanti e studio sonorizzato come Cristo comanda...

  8. #98
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2003
    Cesena, Emilia Romagna.


    forse non tutte le speranze son morte ...
    Imac I3 3,06 Ghz,16 Gb ram; Macbookpro 2,4 Ghz Santa Rosa, 5 GB ram; Snow Leopard 10.6.8 su entrambi i computer.Motu 828 MK2, HD esterno Verbatim 1TB Firewire800, 1Tb usb 2 per Time Machine, HD esterno usb2 250 GB, Casse Adam AX7

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